Helpful Christian Website Resources

biblestudytools – concordances, dictionaries, interlinear bibles, bible searching, encyclopedias

sermoncentral – a site with hundreds of sermons from various men. – the home of the Biblical Studies Foundation (Dallas Seminary)

blueletterbible – a helpful online study bible with commentary – Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Wheaton) – Grace to You website (John MacArthur)

DesiringGod – a collection of John Piper’s sermons – a collection of Charles Spurgeon’s sermons (Phil Johnson) – a helpful study bible that allows Greek word searching – The Master’s Seminary Journal and other resources online

The Logos Academic Blog – an especially helpful Greek Parsing guide to the NT

bibleprophecyblog – news and commentary from a biblical perspective

Bible Gateway – multi-version bible searching tool

Crosswalk – more general Christian resources

Audiobible – listen to A. Scourby read the King James Version

Oneplace  – listen to hundreds of Christian radio broadcasts

ChristianPost – up-to-date news from a biblical viewpoint

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