
Thank you for taking a closer look at Christ Bible Church.  I am the preaching pastor, Jimmy Caraway.  On the website, you will find answers to why CBC exists: our philosophy of ministry, our purpose, how we fulfill that purpose.  


Members of Christ Bible are a gathering of people who have trusted Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin.  He alone died on a cross and rose from the dead and it is through him alone that we are granted eternal life in heaven.


There are two characteristics I am confident you will soon discover at CBC: our love for Scripture and our love for one another. 


We are truly all about Scripture.  How do we know anything about God, Jesus, the HS, salvation, truth, wisdom, marriage, condition of humanity, heaven, hell, how to act toward a neighbor, or the government apart from Scripture?  Someone may say, “be kind to people you meet” and that is virtuous but why is it virtuous?  Scripture says, “Be kind to one another.”


The Bible is inspired by God.  We believe Scripture is sufficient; we do not need another source to know God or know what kind of life honors him.


  • Scripture Is Perfect, Restoring the Soul
  • Scripture Is Right, Causing Joy
  • Scripture Is Pure, Enlightening the Eyes
  • Scripture Is Clean, Enduring Forever
  • Scripture Is True, Altogether Righteous


All that comes from Psalm 19:7-9.

We are a body of forgiven people who love to learn about our gracious God through his Word.


We are also a people who truly love one another.  The bond which unites Christians is love for the Lord and for one another.  John 13:34-35 says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”  How we, as Christians, treat one another should be a testimony to others that they might see our love and also come to follow Jesus Christ.




  • Expository Preaching – the careful explanation of the one meaning in the text and its relevance for believers today.
  • Biblical shepherding – caring for the spiritual and physical needs of the members for the purpose of their maturity in Christ.
  • Church of Jesus Christ – spiritual organism of God’s design and intention to both glorify Him and save spiritually lost souls.
  • Church Discipline – to ensure the purity of the church and for the purpose of restoration.
  • Participation in the two New Testament Ordinances – baptism and communion as acts of obedience and remembrance.
  • Elder Form of Church Government – biblically qualified men entrusted with the care of those in the local church.
  • Biblical Giving – founded upon four biblical principles: it should be private; it should be voluntary; it should be sacrificial; and it should be generous.
  • the Bible is God’s written revelation to man and all 66 books of the Bible are equally inspired in all parts. Therefore the Bible is without error as originally given by God, altogether sufficient in themselves as our only rule of faith and practice. (John 17:172 Timothy 3:162 Peter 1:20-21)
  • there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:192 Corinthians 13:14Ephesians 1:3-14)
  • the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. (John 1:1-21420:25-28Titus 2:13)
  • the Holy Spirit is a divine person, possessing all the attributes of deity; that in essence He is equal with God the Father and God the Son and of the same nature. (Matthew 28:19John 16:7-8Ephesians 1:13-14)
  • that man was created in complete innocence under the law of his Maker, but by voluntary personal disobedience to the revealed will of God, became a sinful creature and the progenitor of a fallen race. (Genesis 1:26-27Romans 5:121419)
  • that the salvation of man, who is sinful and lost, is wholly of grace by the New Birth or regeneration by the Holy Spirit. (John 3:16Ephesians 2:8-9Titus 3:5)
  • the one true Church, the spiritual Body and Bride of the Lord Jesus which began on the day of Pentecost and will complete its maturity at His second coming. (Matthew 16:18Ephesians 2:14-161 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
  • the resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. (1 Corinthians 15:35-58Philippians 3:20-21Revelation 20:11-15)
  • View Full Constitution By Clicking HERE
Our Philosophy

A philosophy of ministry is a set of unalterable principles that determines how you will function in your ministry. Simply stated, your philosophy of ministry defines why you do what you do. A biblical philosophy of ministry is a set of non-negotiable biblical principles that guides all the choices and decisions in your ministry.
All the ministries at Christ Bible Church are guided by biblical principles. These ministries put into practice our commitment to the sufficiency of Scripture and its authority for our lives. They are an avenue to practice the “one another’s” of Scripture. They are not intended to replace corporate worship.

The non-negotiable biblical principles that guide all our ministries are:

  • “make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matt 28:19-20)
  • “the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Eph 4:12)
  • “so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom 15:5-6)
Our History

Christ Bible Church (CBC) began from a Bible study in our community sponsored by First Baptist Church of Evans City, PA in 1960, under the name Bible Baptist Church. Services began in a home in the fall of 1960. Bible Baptist Church was incorporated in October 1961 beginning in a neighborhood location approximately one mile east of its present site. In 1962 the current property of approximately 11 acres was purchased and the parsonage constructed with services downstairs and Sunday school upstairs. In 1964 a church building was constructed to seat 275. In 1977 a large building program began which resulted in the present auditorium, able to seat approximately 450 people.

Since 1970, CBC has been served by 3 pastors. Robert Stamp, who was saved through the ministry of the church in 1961, served as pastor from 1970 to 2001. God then brought John Buchta to the church, a graduate from The Master’s Seminary (M.Div., 1994). John had a passion for preaching God’s word and did so with great eagerness. Under his leadership CBC adopted a new constitution, which incorporates the doctrine of election and elder rule. Unfortunately John was diagnosed with terminal thymus cancer within a year of his arrival and the illness forced him to resign from his duties as Pastor-Teacher in September 2004. John’s brief tenure was anything but brief in regards to his impact. The Word through John continues to ring clearly at CBC. He left this earth to be with our Lord in February 2005.

In January 2005, a call was extended to Jimmy Caraway to candidate for the pastor-teacher position. He accepted the pastorate position in March and moved his family to Cranberry Township in July 2005. Pastor Caraway is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (M.Div., 1992; Th.M., 2000; D.Min., 2007). He and his wife Tami have two adult children, Lara and John.

In 2010 leadership and the congregation agreed on the present name of the church, Christ Bible Church. The name was chosen to convey the lordship of Jesus Christ; it is His church; He is the Master and Lord. The new name also conveys the Bible as the source of instruction. It is God’s Word; it alone is authoritative.

As an independent church CBC is financially independent and very thankful to be debt free. The selection and support of missionaries are done within the church. Seven missionaries and/or mission related ministries receive support from CBC. Many of the missionary families have been supported for over 30 years.

Precious Beginnings Preschool, a preschool ministry, began in 1997 accommodating approximately 150 preschool children. It continues to be the largest outreach at CBC.

Worship Through Music


Worship transcends time. Heaven’s throne room will always resound with worship. Biblically speaking, worship is more than just the musical part of a Sunday service.  When believers complete their sojourn on earth, they will begin eternal careers as worshippers. Yet even now, God desires believers’ worship. The accumulation of worshippers is the purpose of redemption: “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers” (John 4:23). Therefore, we at CBC encourage all believers to participate actively in worship.

The Old Testament, especially in the book of Chronicles, portrays the organization of music in King David’s time (cf. 1 Chronicles 15:16-242 Chronicles 5:11-14). Music was assigned; Skill was required; Words would have to be composed and music arranged. There was a clear sense of purpose and a high priority assigned to this godly endeavor. David once said he would “not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God which cost me nothing” (2 Samuel 24:24). The energies and resources devoted to singing well reveal that his attitude applied to this service also.

The worship ministry through music provides the body of Christ at CBC with an opportunity to engage in heartfelt and meaningful praise of the Triune God. The style of our worship songs varies, ranging from classic and contemporary hymns to doctrinally rich praise songs. We offer to God our praise and adoration through singing, ensembles, and specials. It is our goal that worship in song be a vital part of each believer’s life, allowing God to mold our attitudes and actions as we give voice to the “new song” He has placed in our hearts.


Worshipping through song glorifies God by rehearsing His character (Scripture); It edifies the body, prepares our hearts for hearing the Word preached, and provides an outlet for response to teaching. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell within you with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

The components of worship are easily and often misplaced. It is a mistake to think that true worship rests upon style of music, lighting, drama, or the use of hymns or choruses. While many of these elements are important to worship, they are not the substance of worship. True biblical worship must include the following realities:

  • God reveals Himself through His Word;
  • The believer is made aware of what God has done on his behalf through the work of Christ;
  • Worship is both glad and serious;
  • Worship must accurately reflect God’s Word.

Our heavenly Father expects absolutely everything we do to be an act of worship and for His glory (Romans 12:1-21 Corinthians 10:31).



Scripture, not tradition (Mark 7:6-9) should govern all things. Christ Bible enjoys a variety of different musical styles and instruments.  Passages in the Bible speak of many types of instruments used in worship. Psalm 150 lists the trumpet, harp, stringed instruments, pipe, timbrel, and cymbals among the instruments used in worship. Scripture informs us to incorporate a variety of musical selections and instruments in worshipping God.

Careful attention is also given to singing songs with biblically engaging lyrics. Since music serves as a medium for teaching and encouragement, the songs chosen for the worship time must have lyrics that conform to sound doctrine. Worshipping God through music can also be emotional. It is appropriate for the believer to be thrilled when singing of God’s goodness, reverent when singing of His holiness, thankful when singing about the cross of Christ, and expectant when anticipating future glory. All things should be “done properly and in an orderly manner” so that God will be pleased and glorified by the worship offered to Him (1 Corinthians 14:40).

The chief instrument in the worship of God is the human voice. It is the one instrument we have in common. It is capable of great beauty and resonance. The words that come from our intellect can be so affected by our emotions that song is genuinely praise with understanding. No violin or trumpet is moved or indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but the body of the believer is, 1 Corinthians 6:19.


The Worship Team leads the congregational music during the corporate worship time. Members of the worship team meet weekly for a rehearsal. Anyone interested in serving on the worship team may contact the worship leaders for more information.


The Children’s Choir provides an opportunity for all children attending CBC to encourage the congregation through song. Periodically, the children’s choir assembles to rehearse in order to present a musical selection during the corporate worship time.

Worship team guidelines:

  1. A desire to glorify God above all things.
  2. A correct understanding of worshiping God through music.
  3. CBC Church Membership and faithful Sunday school attendance.
  4. An appropriate amount of musical talent. Individuals must be able to sing/play with good rhythm, accurate intonation, and with musical sensitivity. A basic familiarity with reading music is necessary.
  5. Christ-honoring attire.
  6. A willingness to follow musical direction from the worship leaders.